Posted by : z3lover September 19, 2013

                              Some people have been asking about the custom animation for items ingame. The problem with custom animations and particles is that they are complicated and most of the times bugged when used in mods. It doesn't mean its impossible, it just means I'm not skilled enough to make them.
                              I''m not an expert on modding, so now that's outta the way, I would appreciate if someone could teach me how to mess around with particle effects. So far I have'nt been able to find anything on the subject. As soon as I learned it, I will start making content with particles and animations. The previous mods with such particles/animations I were made by others and apparently no one is interested in sharing the knowledge.
                            I also promised to provide a step by step tutorial to anyone who is interested in mod making so that people can make their own mods. But as of right now, I'm working on too many things and barely get enough time to play DOTA 2. I tried teaching the process to one guy in simple instrucitons but apparently the process is too confusing so I will include detailed instrucitons with pictures.
                          I also make sketches in part time so if any of the blog follower is a 3D artist and wants to make items for DOTA 2 workshop, let me know. I can send you a few concepts and sketches and we can start working rightaway. I have recently started learning Blender and ZBrush, so hopefully I wont be too useless in creating models either.
                         Finally, if anyone wants to play some games with me, here's my steam ID. Add me up and we go hit some pubs. (I play in SEA and Euro West server s ONLY)

See you guys in next update. Do let me know if you want specific items from next update.

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