Posted by : z3lover September 24, 2013

includes some items sets from the firstblood update.
 Okay now I'm running out of stuff to post so the updates may not be as frequent as before. I do have older stuff lying around, some items sets and individual items that were not posted. So new items update will come AFTER the main dota2 client is updated depending on whether new items are added into DOTA. I will however keep posting requested items and couriers in the meantime.


{ 7 comments... read them below or Comment }

  1. this crashes my dota why?? after installing ......when i go to check my loadout n select drow it crashes the error is Source engine error sumthing like dat ..please reply

    1. You are using the drow mod? Try installing the qop mod to replace the script files. Let me know if that fixes it.

    2. Still game crashes ...this QOP mod works tho .i can check out on loadout ...weird moment i go to drowrangers game crashes ...hav taken a screen-cap of the error please check it out ( )

  2. got it fixed ..seems like i hav to play drow with her boobs out poor me :)..dat fixed it cheers

    1. Waiting for the original creator (M1sk4) to update his mod. Will post it when he fixes it.

    2. aight np thnks <3..will be back for fix .l8t

  3. why es only have his weapon not full set ?


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