Posted by : z3lover September 30, 2013

Well this was a long, boring and buggy courier to make.

1: First the model refused to decompile.
2: The edited model refused to recompile,
3: Particle files start giving missing particles error.
4: Walking courier stops appearing after I finished mod.
5: Particle effects start appearing on wrong bones.

So after making and testing about 20 mods, here is the end result. Literally spent hours trying to fix the particles appearing behind the courier. Finally managed to fix the normal walking courier only to find that now flying courier's particles are a bit off. Now I dont have any juice left to again mess around with this courier so you have to stick with this one. I may try to fix the flying version maybe in future but I doubt it, it doesnt look too bad anyways.

Also from now on there will be no adfly links. Too many people have problem with that and to be honest I never was interested in earnings anyways. Some one suggested me to use ads to earn extra and that it will be useful in long run but honestly its not worth it to waste other people's time, I will set up a donate button for those who wish to donate, other than that you will get direct links from now on.

Download Link

{ 3 comments... read them below or Comment }

  1. This is nice, by the way, is it posible to get non-courier particle effects on couriers?
    Say, a Baby Roshan leaving the particle effect of Kunkka's New Sword ( golden coins one)?

    1. I can try but there's no gurantee it will work correctly. I made a furionstaff that way (coins dropping from furion made much more sense)..

  2. The owners have always stood behind their couriers and this has always impressed me. The level of professionalism they exude is exhibited in the way the couriers conduct themselves.


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